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Seed Funding

Sometimes the most innovative work starts as an unfunded project. Perhaps funders view it as too risky, or it is a new area that the investigator must establish themselves in.

If you are pushing boundaries and trying new things, or need opportunistic funding in response to a new student, collaboration, or flash of insight, CREATE’s seed funding mechanism may be helpful.

For the 2024-2025 academic year funding cycle, CREATE expects to award two seed grants of $25,000 each.

Submission deadline change for academic year 2024-25

This year, proposals are due for submission by February 3, 5:00 p.m.

Submit Your Proposal by Email


  • Full-time or part-time faculty with regular or fixed-term appointments are eligible to apply as PI or Co-PI. All applicants must have PI status as determined by their dean. Applicants must hold an eligible rank that is active in Workday at the time of submission.
  • Those with acting, temporary, affiliate, visiting, or postdoctoral appointments are ineligible to apply as PI or Co-PI, but may be included in the budget for the project team. Affiliate or visiting faculty may not receive salary, but can be involved on the project team, just not as PI/Co-PI.
  • At least one applicant must be a CREATE faculty member, who is actively engaged with CREATE.
  • Support will not be provided merely to supplement or extend an ongoing funded research project.

Review criteria

Reviewers will assess proposals using the following main criteria.

Importance of the problem

  • Clearly describes need and target population
  • Advances CREATE’s mission: “to make technology accessible, and to make the world accessible through technology”
  • Addresses a significant need of individuals with disabilities
  • Would benefit from seed funding
  • Could have a beneficial impact on the target population

The extent to which the research…

  • Identifies a significant need for the proposed advances to science and technology.
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the state-of-the-art.
  • Employs appropriate concepts, study methodologies, components, or systems to advance the state of the art.
  • Is feasible, given the current state of the science and the time and resources available.
  • Is shaped by the input of individuals with disabilities and other key stakeholders. For example, is there substantive involvement in the definition and execution of the proposed work; does the project include feedback from people with disabilities or a study involving disabled participants; will the project result in new information, technology, or other resources that positively impact people with disabilities?
  • Addresses any ethical concerns.

Suitability of the team

 Are team members actively engaged with CREATE? Have team members previously received CREATE funding, or are they new to CREATE’s funding mechanisms? And is the team likely to benefit from the funding?

The likely positive impact(s) on CREATE

For example, does this proposal have the potential to help lead to larger funding in the future?

Reporting requirements 

  • Any significant changes must be approved by CREATE leadership.
  • Any papers, posters, videos, etc. published from work supported by this funding, whatever the amount used, must acknowledge CREATE with the following: “This work was supported in part by the University of Washington Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences (CREATE).” If space is limited, this short version is permissible, something like, “This work was supported by UW CREATE.”
  • Any students heavily involved in the work are expected to become an active CREATE member (e.g., join Slack, join CREATE mailing lists, attend CREATE events, etc.). 
  • Recipients are expected to participate in Community day/research showcase.
  • Recipients are expected to submit a short written summary (requirements below) of how the funds were spent a year after receiving the funding. Faculty agree to allow CREATE to use this information in fundraising, presentations, and promotional efforts.

Writing the summary report

  • Write a short paragraph describing: (a) the problem addressed or opportunity pursued, (b) the results achieved (including any publications), (c) how the funding was helpful, (d) information about any further funding submitted or received as a result of this work, and (e) information about translation successes  (e.g., blog posts, patents, productization, adoption by others, community or industry engagements, etc.). 
  • Include a description of any stakeholder engagement in the project.
  • Provide a list of students supported and whether those students are CREATE members, along with contact information so we can ensure they get on CREATE mailing lists.
  • Also provide a list of faculty involved in the project.

Application instructions 

Proposals should be limited to 2 pages (plus references, images, and supplemental documents, as specified below). 

Proposals are due by February 3, 5:00 p.m.


Proposals must follow the following standards:

  • Submitted as a single accessible PDF or Word file (you can download a Google doc as a Word file). See UW IT’s guidance on making documents accessible.
  • Set paper size to A4 or 8.5×11″ paper with .5″ margins.
  • Use 11 pt. font, single-spaced. Smaller text in figures, graphs, diagrams and charts is acceptable as long as it is legible when the page is viewed at 100%.
  • A specific citation format is not required.

Content of proposal

The proposal should include:

  • Header: Title, name and department of PIs; total money being requested
  • Goal (1 paragraph): What is the goal of your work and why is it important? 
  • Justification for Seed Funding (1 paragraph): Why is seed funding needed for this project? 
  • Approach & Impact (~1 pages): What do you plan to do?  What are the contributions you expect to make through this work? Example contributions include empirical findings, built artifacts, new or modified methods or theories, new datasets, literature surveys, or original viewpoints. If this work is successful, what impact will it have on people with disabilities, disability advocacy, disability rights, disability justice, and/or disability communities? How will you evaluate this? 
  • Stakeholder Engagement (1-2 paragraphs): How will you engage with people with disabilities in doing this work? Do you plan to work with community partners? At what stage(s) of the work? 
  • Ethical analysis (0-2 paragraphs) – If relevant, provide a disability-centered critical analysis (e.g. using Disability Studies, Disability Justice– and/or DisCrit as a lens) of the proposed work, highlighting any potential ethical concerns, if relevant. Things to consider addressing: How will this advance agency, independence and control for people with disabilities? If there is legitimate and foreseeable harm possible, how will you address it? 
  • Project Workplan and Timeline (1-2 paragraphs) – What is the expected work plan for this project? The work plan should Include key activities and their expected durations. A Gantt chart is encouraged but not required.

Supplemental documents

  • Project budget and brief justification (up to ½ page) – What is the total amount being sought from CREATE plus the matching organization and how will it be used? Neither indirect costs nor alcohol will be allowed. Please include, depending on what’s relevant:
    • Salaries and Wages (including benefits)
    • User study fees and contractual services
    • Supplies and equipment
    • Tuition
    • Other (specify)
  • References (no page limit)
  • Project team. append a 1- to 2-page CV, resume, or biosketch for each PI or person requesting salary and a current and pending document for each PI.
  • Prior CREATE funding for this project (0-2 paragraphs) Has this project in any form been previously submitted for CREATE funding? If so, how many times? When? Was it funded? Explain how this submission is different from before, and why you are seeking CREATE funding for this project again. 
  • Other prior CREATE funding (attach reports) Have any personnel on the project team received other CREATE funding previously? If so, attach the project report for that prior funding. 
  • Suggested reviewers: Optional
Submit Your Proposal by Email