Policy and Advocacy

As researchers at the forefront of accessible technology, CREATE leaders are called to advise policy and are eager to share their education, experience, and perspectives regarding the needs of and resources for people living with disabilities.

To request a statement or information from one of our accessibility experts, email create-contact@uw.edu and we will direct your message to the appropriate CREATE member.

Recent policy and advocacy news

  • Anat Caspi speaks at White House panel on AI in Transportation

    June 17, 2024 CREATE associate director Anat Caspi spoke on ‘Mapping, Visualizing, and Building the Future’ as part of a White House panel on AI in Transportation. Focused on developing a national transportation infrastructure observatory and an accompanying application ecosystem, the panel gathered innovators in transportation, aiming to align end users, researchers, entrepreneurs, and federal…

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  • Three Myths and Three Actions: “Accommodating” Disabled Students

    CREATE Ph.D. students Kelly Avery Mack and Ather Sharif, along with Lucille Njoo, share three common myths about students with disabilities. They reveal the reality of their inequitable experience as grad students at UW, and propose a few potential solutions to begin ameliorating this reality, both at our university and beyond.

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  • Alice Wong and Patty Berne: Two UW lectures moderated by CREATE researchers

    January 29, 2024 Winter 2024 quarter kicked off with two outstanding conversations with women of color who are leaders in disability justice. Alice Wong: Raising the visibility of disabled people First, Alice Wong discussed topics important to her work in raising the visibility of disabled people. Wong’s book Year of the Tiger: An Activist’s Life was…

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  • Research at the Intersection of Race, Disability and Accessibility

    October 13, 2023 What are the opportunities for research to engage the intersection of race and disability? What is the value of considering how constructs of race and disability work alongside each other within accessibility research studies? Two CREATE Ph.D. students have explored these questions and found little focus on this intersection within accessibility research.…

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  • CREATE's Response to Proposed Update to Section 504 for Medical, Health

    Updated November 30, 2023 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office for Civil Rights published a proposed update to the HHS regulations implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits disability discrimination by recipients of federal funding. CREATE’s official response, in collaboration with peer researchers, is posted on the Regulations.gov…

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