People of CREATE

CREATE is a consortium of innovators from the University of Washington’s computer science, mechanical engineering, human-centered design and engineering, information school, and rehabilitation medicine and disability studies.


Jennifer Mankoff, Director

Mark Harniss, Director for Education

Anat Caspi, Associate Director

Heather Feldner, Associate Director

Leah Findlater, Associate Director

James Fogarty, Associate Director

Jon Froehlich, Associate Director

Katherine M. Steele, Associate Director

Jacob O. Wobbrock, Associate Director, Founding Co-Director Emeritus

Faculty members

Interested in joining CREATE? Learn more about becoming a faculty member.

Sarah Marie Coppola

Kim Ingraham

Richard Ladner, Founding Director for Education Emeritus

Annuska Zolyomi


Alexandra Portnova

Stacy Hsueh

Alumni postdocs

  • Abigale Stangl: Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech School of Industrial Design
  • Maitraye Das: Assistant Professor, Khoury College of Computer Sciences and the College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University
  • Momona Yamagami: Assistant Professor at Rice University Electrical & Computer Engineering

Visiting faculty

Alumni visiting faculty and scholars

Matthew Butler, Associate Professor, Department of Human Centred Computing, Monash University, Australia. Visiting scholar, hosted by Jen Mankoff and the Make4all Lab. 2022-2023.

Emily Whiting, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Boston University. Visiting Scholar in Human Centered Design & Engineering and Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. 2022 – 2023.


Olivia Banner

Kathleen Quin Voss

Headshot of Kathleen Q. Voss, a white woman with blonde-brown hair, wearing blue eyeglasses.

Community Engagement and Partnerships Manager

Liz Diether-Martin

Informal headshot of Liz Diether-Martin, a white woman with auburn hair and glasses.

Digital Content Developer and Editor