CREATE Community Day

CREATE Community Day is an annual half-day forum for discussing the concerns about and approaches to sustainable accessibility research and a showcase of research led by CREATE members. Student researchers highlight their work and showcase a variety of individual projects.

Community Day 2024 recap

On May 20th, approximately 150 researchers, students, and partners participated in the discussion and discovery of CREATE’s Community Day 2024. Two hybrid panel discussions covered timely topics on disability and accessibility.

Thank you to all our presenters, volunteers, and attendees for making this year’s Community Day such a success! We look forward to sharing video and takeaways from the day.

Panel 1: Disability and Data: Access and Inequalities

An exploration of the positive and negative roles data plays in the lives of people with disabilities and other minority communities.

Panel 2: Title II of the ADA: Rule changes and their impact on education

An exploration of how changes to Title II of the American Disabilities Act, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services, will impact public education, including the UW. Panelists included:

Research Showcase co-sponsored by HuskyADAPT

After the panels, we had the pleasure of filling the Allen Atrium with the amazing work that CREATE students, CREATE postdocs, and the design teams of HuskyADAPT have done in the field of accessible technology this semester. Attendees were able to browse the projects, try out the new technologies, and ask questions of the researchers themselves. Projects included an accessible library interface, a wheelchair umbrella, and how people who use visual accessibility technology experience deceptive design. Learn more about the showcase projects: Spring 2024 Research Showcase.


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CREATE logo, full text version. Purple icon and text over transparent background. Person with a prosthetic arm holding a lightbulb, Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences. University of Washington.
HuskyADAPT logo with 3 hexagons containing icons for tools, people, and toys and the words, Accessible Design And Play Technology.


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