A11y in Action

“A11y” stands for “accessibility.” It is a numeronym, with 11 representing the count of letters between the letter a and the letter y

The A11y Project

Teaching Accessibly

Accessibility Guide for Data Science and STEM Classes

Detailed guides for instructors and teaching assistants (TAs) to create accessible class materials that make use of or represent data and math, particularly for students who are blind or visually impaired or who use screen readers. It’s also for anyone interested in making accessible course materials–including PowerPoint slides, computational notebooks, and homework write-ups.

Accessibility Guide for Data Science and STEM Classes

Teaching Accessibly – A slide deck from CREATE’s founders

Shares testimonials from students with disabilities on the difficulties and lack of access to course information and covers topics on:

  • Captioning videos and lectures
  • Accessible course website and syllabus
  • Working with the UW Disability Services Office
  • Assuring the accommodations your students need
  • Making lectures accessible

Teaching accessibly – A slide deck from CREATE’s founders

Teach Access workshops on teaching accessibly

Teach Access provides free, online workshops for teaching accessibly in a variety of academic areas, including interactive media design, graphic design, HCI, and technical writing. Explore the Teach Access site for new offerings in addition to:

Integrating accessibility into your curriculum

Teaching Accessible Computing: An online book

A free, and community-sourced online book helps Computer Science educators integrate accessibility topics into their classes. Teaching Accessible Computing provides the foundations of accessibility relevant to computer science teaching and then presents teaching methods for integrating those topics into course designs. Among the editors are CREATE and iSchool faculty member Amy Ko and CREATE Director of Education Emeritus Richard Ladner. You may recognize many CREATE faculty members’ research referenced throughout the guide.

Accessible presentations and materials

For speakers and their hosts: Accessibility guidelines

To-do lists for ensuring presentations are accessible to the audience and events are accessible for speakers. Includes tips for documents (Word, Google docs, PDFs).

Guidelines for Speakers & Hosts

Do’s and don’ts of making services accessible

Gov.uk has published best design practices for making services accessible. Six posters (and a text version) identify the do’s and don’ts for users’ needs.

Accessibility Do’s and Don’ts

Neurodiversity in the workplace

Neurodiversity @ Work Playbook: Employee Engagement & Growth Series

CREATE faculty member Hala Annabi, in collaboration with neuroinclusion leaders representing 21 companies and organizations and including neurodivergent and neurotypical leaders, cover topics including:

  • Insights and best practices for fostering the growth and advancement of Neurodivergent employees
  • Strategies for creating a Neuroinclusive workplace

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