Director Profiles

Directors and associate directors provide leadership, vision, and experience.

  • Jennifer Mankoff, Director

    Jennifer Mankoff is a Founding Co-Director of CREATE. Her research focuses on accessibility and 3D printing. She has led the effort to better understand both clinical and DIY stakeholders in this process, and developed better, more usable tools for production.

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  • Mark Harniss, Director for Education

    My research focuses on knowledge translation, assistive technology, and accessible design. I teach in both the Disability Studies Program and the Rehabilitation Medicine doctoral program with an emphasis on knowledge translation and disability policy. I lead projects focused on developing decision aids to support people with disabilities to request reasonable accommodations and on developing an…

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  • Anat Caspi, Associate Director

    I am interested in exploring ways in which collaborative commons and cooperation can challenge and transform the current economics of assistive technology and incentivize rapid development and deployment of ethically built accessible technologies. My research focuses on engineering machine intelligent solutions for customizable real-time, responsive technologies in the context of work, play and urban street…

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  • Richard Ladner, Associate Director

    The CREATE community thanks Professor Emeritus Richard Ladner for three years of leadership as one of our founders and CREATE’s inaugural Education Director. Ladner initiated the CREATE Student Minigrant Program that helps fund small grants up to $2,000 in support of student initiated research projects. He has shepherded 10 minigrants and worked directly with eight…

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  • Heather Feldner, Associate Director

    My focus is on advancing participation and health together with people with disabilities and their families by exploring the intersections between mobility, disability, and technology in a variety of personal and environmental contexts. My research centers on the design and implementation of mobility assistive technology, including how perceptions of disability and identity emerge and evolve…

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  • Leah Findlater, Associate Director

    I am interested in how to create technologies that adapt to accommodate individual user needs and preferences, whether to improve basic interactions such as touchscreen text entry or more complex tasks such as working with machine learning models. My research goal is to ensure that the next generation of computing technologies are designed to meet…

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  • James Fogarty, Associate Director

    My broad research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction, User Interface Software and Technology, and Ubiquitous Computing. My focus is on developing, deploying, and evaluating new approaches to the human obstacles surrounding widespread everyday adoption of ubiquitous sensing and intelligent computing technologies. Affiliations Professor, Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering Contact Fogarty faculty page 206-685-8081…

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  • Jon E. Froehlich, Associate Director

    My research focuses on designing, building, and evaluating interactive technology that addresses high value social issues such as environmental sustainability, computer accessibility, and personalized health and wellness. Affiliations Professor, Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering Contact Froehlich faculty page Google Scholar Research highlights Semi-automatic Room Reconstruction and Accessibility Scanning To help improve the…

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  • Katherine M. Steele, Associate Director

    My research focuses upon using novel computational and experimental tools to understand human movement and improve treatment and quality of life of individuals with cerebral palsy, stroke, and other neurological disorders. My research strives to connect engineering and medicine to create solutions that can advance our understanding of human ability, but also translate research results to the…

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  • Jacob O. Wobbrock, Associate Director

    The CREATE community thanks Dr. Jacob O. Wobbrock for three years of leadership as one of our founders and CREATE Co-Director Emeritus. A bright idea was sparked in 2019 at Microsoft’s IdeaGen 2030 discussion panel, where Wobbrock spoke about ability-based design. Wobbrock and panel member Katherine Steele, a CREATE associate director, thought that a center…

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