The CREATE Advisory Board is composed of leaders in accessibility and accessible design. The board helps guide and amplify our work in accessibility research, education, and translation.

Amy Hurst
- Associate Professor, New York University (NYU) with joint appointments in the Occupational Therapy Department in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development and the Technology, Culture and Society Department in the Tandon School of Engineering
- Director, NYU Ability Project

Shaun K. Kane
- Research scientist in Responsible AI at Google Research
- Founder, the Superhuman Computing Lab at CU Boulder

ChrisTiana ObeySumner
- Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master in Not-for-Profit Leadership (MPL)
- CEO and principal consultant of Epiphanies of Equity LLC, a social equity consulting firm specializing in change management, social and organizational psychology, intersectional equity and liberation, and disability justice

Ebele Okoli
- Business Program Manager for Microsoft’s Accessibility Innovation Program
- Mental Health and Intersectionality Program Lead, Microsoft
Past Advisory Board members
We thank these former Advisory Board members for their perspective and expertise in guiding CREATE’s work.
- Jonathan Lazar, Professor, College of Information Studies (iSchool) University of Maryland; Executive Director, Maryland Initiative for Digital Accessibility (MIDA); Core faculty, Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL)
- Mary Bellard, Principal Innovation Architect Lead, Microsoft and Microsoft AI for Accessibility program manager
- Rory A. Cooper, FISA Foundation – Paralyzed Veterans of America Distinguished Professor; Founder and Director of Human Engineering Research Laboratories
- Juan E. Gilbert, Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor & Chair, Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department, University of Florida