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CREATE Accessibility Seminar

The CREATE Accessibility Seminar, CSE 590w – Accessibility Research, brings students and faculty together to explore a variety of topics relating to accessibility and technology. In the Fall, we usually read a book together. Spring seminars are usually short research presentations, followed by discussion and critical evaluations.

Spring 2025

The Spring 2025 CREATE Accessibility Seminar is a chance for students to present their research and get feedback. Note that the seminar meets 2-3 times a month and shares a day/time/location with the CREATE Coffee Chats.

Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
In-person in Gates/CSE2 rm 287 | Zoom: CREATE Accessibility Seminar
Please sign up in advance to help us plan

Course information

Related explorations

Tinkering Tuesdays: DIY Accessible Technology meetings

CREATE hosts Tinkering Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. in the Gates/CSE2 283 lab. Tinker with various forms of DIY Accessible Technology (DIYAT) and related technologies. The space has lightweight making and accessibility equipment, such as an embroidery machine, swell paper printer, 3D printers, and soldering. Get updates on CREATE’s #diyat Slack channel.

Assistive Robotics Reading Group

Maya Cakmak’s Assistive Robotics Reading Group (CSE 590 K) is happening again Winter quarter 2025! The last one (in 2022) was very engaging and planted the seeds for a published paper. We will read newer papers on robotics, accessibility, and occupational therapy, with the goal of identifying unique, unexplored opportunities for robots to assist people.

Past seminar topics

    Course information