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Translation and representation are at the heart of CREATE. Cross-campus collaboration is a core value.

Leveraging the industry, disability community, and academic partnerships of the Center, we create sustainable models for translation and build upon our prior successes. Our collaborations with our corporate, community, and campus partners ensure diverse voices to inform innovation. 

Headshot of Kathleen Q. Voss, a white woman with blonde-brown hair, wearing blue eyeglasses

Interested in collaborating? Contact us:

Kathleen Quin Voss,
Community Engagement and Partnerships Manager

CREATE’s translation plan has two major goals

A continuum of innovation

CREATE promotes a continuum of innovation by encouraging researchers to think about and actively engage in pathways for their research to become sustainably deployed even before the research is performed.

Cooperative relationships

Establish appropriate (and cooperative) relationships between researchers and communities that understand unmet accessibility needs and can provide guidance and direction on how to apply the products in real world settings.