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Student Members

CREATE student members are University of Washington students who are interested in a facet of accessibility: research, education, or translation-to-practice.

Student members receive announcements and invitations for public events such as seminars and talks, network with the CREATE community through the UW CREATE students Slack channel, and are eligible for CREATE Student Minigrants.

How to get involved

Code of Conduct


All contributors to CREATE’s online and in-person activities agree to follow this code of conduct.

Email Lists


Receive CREATE newsletters, event announcements, and opportunities.

Slack Group


Connect with other CREATE members and share ideas and resources.

To learn about: Consider these programs: Get started:
Adaptive engineering design, hands-on adaptive making, and to connect with other students HuskyAdapt: student-run group that learns about adaptive engineering design and creates adaptive toys that are distributed to the community. Apply in October-November
Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) DUB REU (may need to correct year in url) Apply in January
Computing research and education CRA-WP DREU: awards, scholarships and programs for undergrad and graduate students from underrepresented communities Apply in March
Mentorship, internships, opportunities in computing fields UW AccessComputing ongoing
Academics Accessibility courses at the UW Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters
Networking, advocacy, accessibility learning Teach Access student programs for networking with higher education, industry, and advocacy organizations while learning about accessibility ongoing

A purple-tinted collage of UW students working with adults with various mobility and communication disabilities to develop tools to improve their function.
UW students work with adults with mobility and communication disabilities to develop tools for better access.


  • Student Minigrant Story: Assistive-Feeding Robot Tested in the Real World

    March 17, 2025 A team of UW researchers has been working on increasing the accuracy and the finer social aspects of an assistive-feeding robot. ADA, for Assistive Dexterous Arm, consists of a robotic arm that can be affixed to a power wheelchair or other sturdy furniture and controlled by the user. Through a web app,…

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  • CHI 2025: CREATE Papers and Presentations

    March 24, 2025 Papers Presentations Workshops Student Games Papers, presentations, and workshops from CREATE researchers at CHI 2025, the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. We appreciate your patience as we continue to update this page. The conference takes place April 26 - May 1 in Yokohama Japan. Awards and honors Congratulations…

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  • Coffee Chat Recaps - Winter 2025

    March 4, 2025 CREATE has initiated Coffee Chats – one or two opportunities per month for conversation among faculty, student, staff, and industry and community partners. Topics have included opportunities for student involvement in CREATE, how researchers can benefit from community-engaged research, and where to find funding for research. These meetings have proved useful for…

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  • Two Research Fellowships on Accessibility from UW Population Health

    February 27, 2025 The UW’s Population Health Initiative announced two fellowships that may be of interest to CREATE graduate and undergraduate students. Accessibility of King County parks Graduate and undergraduate students from all UW schools and colleges are encouraged to apply for the Population Health Applied Research Fellowship on the accessibility of King County Parks. The…

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  • Adapting toys to be accessible for local families

    December 20, 2024 At HuskyADAPT's holiday toy adaptation event in November, about 80 volunteers adapted toys, ranging from a baseball pitching machine and spinning art kit to lava lamps, remote control cars and a bilingual play drum. The volunteers connected the toys to a switch that can make it easier for children with disabilities to…

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