CREATE Papers and Presentations at CHI 2024

This is a work in progress as there are many papers and presentations from CREATE researchers at CHI 2024, the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. We appreciate your patience! For a list of all papers from UW researchers, see DUB’s roundoup.


A Virtual Reality Scene Taxonomy: Identifying and Designing Accessible Scene-Viewing Techniques

Rachel L. Franz, UW Information School (iSchool); Sasa Junuzovic, Microsoft; Martez E Mott, Microsoft.

An Emotion Translator: Speculative Design by Neurodiverse Dyads

Annuska Zolyomi, CREATE faculty and assistant professor at UW Bothell Computing & Software Systems; Jaime Snyder, iSchool.

BLIP: Facilitating the Exploration of Undesirable Consequences of Digital Technologies

Rock Yuren Pang and his advisor Katharina Reinecke, CREATE faculty member; Sebastin Santy; Rene Just — all from the Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering (Allen School).

“Caption It in an Accessible Way That Is Also Enjoyable”: Characterizing User-Driven Captioning Practices on TikTok

Emma J McDonnell; UW Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) and CREATE associate directors Jon E. Froehlich, Allen School and Leah Findlater, HCDE; Tessa Eagle, University of California, Santa Cruz; Pitch Sinlapanuntakul, HCDE; Soo Hyun Moon, HCDE; Kathryn E Ringland, University of California, Santa Cruz.

Designing Accessible Obfuscation Support for Blind Individuals’ Visual Privacy Management

Lotus Zhang, HCDE; Abigale Stangl, former CREATE/HCDE postdoctoral researcher; Tanusree Sharma, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Yu-Yun Tseng, University of Colorado; Inan Xu, University of California, Santa Cruz; Danna Gurari, University of Colorado; Yang Wang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Leah Findlater, HCDE.

Avery Mack, Allen School; and from Google: Rida Qadri, Remi Denton, Shaun K Kane, Cynthia L Bennett.

GazePointAR: A Context-Aware Multimodal Voice Assistant for Pronoun Disambiguation in Wearable Augmented Reality

Jaewook Lee, CREATE Ph.D. student, Allen School; Jun Wang, Allen School; Elizabeth Brown, UW Linguistics; Liam Chu, UW Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences; Sebastian S Rodriguez, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Jon E. Froehlich, Allen School.

Playing on Hard Mode: Accessibility, Difficulty and Joy in Video Game Adoption for Gamers With Disabilities

Jesse J. Martinez, CREATE Ph.D. student, Allen School; James Fogarty and Jon E. Froehlich, Allen School.

RASSAR: Room Accessibility and Safety Scanning in Augmented Reality

Xia Su, Ph.D. student, Allen School; Kaiming Cheng, Allen School; Han Zhang, Allen School; Jaewook Lee, Allen School; Qiaochu Liu, Tsinghua University; Wyatt Olson, UW Art + Art History + Design; Jon E Froehlich, Allen School.