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CREATE Research Showcase – Spring 2021


10:00 | Just Sustainable Accessibility Research – Panel

Although accessibility research is a fundamental component in reducing gaps in quality of life, health disparities, wealth disparities and digital access, many people with disabilities have had adverse experiences with researchers and accessibility professionals; consequently, communities and community members have lost trust in both the process of research and the people who conduct it. Too often, research has been conducted “on” rather than “with” people with disabilities and established communities, resulting in their being stigmatized or stereotyped. There has been increasing recognition that more comprehensive and participatory approaches to research and interventions are needed to address the complex set of determinants associated with problems that affect populations with disabilities, as well as those factors specifically associated with disparities affecting intersectional groups.

This panel aims to expose some of the tensions and problems facing people with disabilities when engaging in research. No attempts at solutions will be made.

11:00 |  Welcome

11:07 |  Lab fast-style presentations

CREATE labs introduce their work in 90 second segments.

11:30 | Showcase Breakout Sessions

Three breakout sessions, each lasting 17 minutes and 3 minutes between, are devoted to short presentations and Q&A about these CREATE-lab affiliated projects:

  • “Investigating visual semantic understanding in blind and low-vision technology users”
  • “Comparing muscle versus manual interface for people with and without limited movement”
  • “Living Disability Theory”
  • ““That’s Frustrating” – Stakeholder perceptions: provision processes, use, and future AFO needs for people with cerebral palsy”
  • “Decoding Intent With Control Theory: Comparing Muscle Versus Manual Interface Performance”
  • “Unimpaired adults can reduce motor control complexity during walking using biofeedback”
  • “Gait Recovery in Adults with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Receiving Transcutaneous Spinal Stimulation”
  • “Reliability of Fitts’ Law”
  • “Stitching Together the Experience of Disabled Knitters”
  • “Mobility Gets Personal: Why Google Directions and Other Trip Planners Might Be Leading Us Where We May Not Want To Go”
  • “Perceptions of Disability and Mobility Technology Before and After Modified Ride-On Car Use in Caregivers of Children with Disabilities”
  • “”I can bonk people!”: Effects of Modified Ride On Cars On Communication and Socio-Emotional Development in Children with Disabilities”
  • “Ready, Set, Move! Tracking Children’s Modified Ride-On Car Use with a Custom Data Logger”
  • “Challenging Terrain: Community-Based Early Mobility Technology Research through the Lens of Critical Disability Theory”Time